Tuesday, July 27, 2010

For sure not the best of times, but not the worst either.

In the last week we have seen some amazing sights. We found some caverns with stalagtites and stalagmites, and super clear water. I have some photos but they are hard to load here. The swimmng was great. We pressed on to Cobá where there are ruins, we ran into strage people there. When we rolled into town we found a construction site and made it home. At about 10pm a man came to shut the gate. Tents set up and me in my skivvies we expected him to be none so pleased to see us but he said no problem! and he closed the gate until 7am. Awesome! Then the next day we had a good time at the ruins that were major. Met a mayan man who tried to teach us some mayan, we have since forgot. Then he told me to cut my hair. This is the third time in a week. Here they say the Bible says for only women to have long hair. That is a load of bull-. I asked about jesus but they stick to me cutting my hair. To be honest that guy was totally rude and I had to give him my bit about living with love than living by a book of fiction. I was trying to lay off but dude! Then we swam in two more Cenotes and made way 45 or so k´s to Tulúm. Stayed in a pirate cove we found and got chewed up by bugs.
Heading south we got on a route on gravel or dirt. This trail went thru the jungle south from Tulúm. 45k of bugs bugs bugs! rough road and tours of yuppie idiots in jeeps honking for us to get out of their way. Unbelieveable! what jags! they also didn´t have to pay the park fee! using their motors to destroy habitat! Then we hopped a skiff across the bay to the other part of the park where we think it is 45 more k until a town. WRONG! try 70k of pure jungle and we thought the bugs were bad before. We could sort of outrun the mosquitos which were in swarms by the millions, but the horseflys that bite were fast and aggresive. The road proved too much for my rear wheel and broke more than 5 spokes. yikes! fixing them was not cool with so many bugs. dark fell quickly and the sounds were rediculous! eerie sounds of frogs and stuff I did not know what it was. oh yea did I mention the BUGS!? some the size of staplers! and the road at times under water from the swamp hip deep! that was fun the first twenty times then a challenge. in the morning i had to fix a flat in my tent for doing it outside was just stupid because of the bugs. No romantic glory here defiately type 3 fun. only fun to tell how hellish the experience was. The last 2 or so hours on the trail we 3 were split up and when we met in the town at the end of the jungle we were a surly crew of chaps! swearing like salors and covered in mud, sweat, and blood. Gnarley! we got a hotel for cheap but expensive for mexico and it has a pool, so we are cool for now. I had said this morning that if all the trip was like the las 5 days costantly wet and chewed up that I would be done! Just not fun when you are always getting eaten and wet.
dry and safe, going out to get a beer and drink it in the pool.
hell yea
el pirata

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