Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Chetumal- Belize border

La ultima fiesta en Mexico. Tomorrow we should make the cross into Belize. We don't think there should be jail time in our future, but then again there was that time in Canada... I expect things to be more expensive come tomorrow in Belize. The town of Chetumal seems to be a town where everyone comes to buy things and trade what they have. Lots of various stores that have strange products and animals too. We were thinking of buying a young chicken and taking it along the route. What do you suppose are the visa requirements for a chicken of Mexican decent? It might need a return ticket.


  1. I'd imagine if it lays eggs, then you'll be good to go, though the clucking may be taken as derogatory if it isn't done with the correct accent. Keep that train a'rollin' brother, and remember, Canadiens are eh-holes!


  2. Missing you, Mike. Can't wait for the next update!
